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Dnyangiri Campus, Yaldari Road, JINTUR – 431 509

Administrative Staff

Sr. No Name of Employee  Designation Department Date of Birth Date of Joining  Mobile No.
1 Mr. Wable B. S. Head Clerk Office 10/06/1967 15/06/1992 9423143417
2 Mr. Deshpande S. B. Sr. Clerk Office 27/03/1969 01/10/1988 9421389036
3 Mr. Jadhav B. K. Sr. Clerk Office 20/08/1969 15/06/1992 9860278591
4 Mr. Shelke P. M. Jr. Clerk Office 29/06/1968 15/05/1991 8605680376
5 Mr. Raut R. D. Jr. Clerk Office 12/06/1971 01/07/1997 9145455387
6 Mr. Suroshe V. S. Jr. Clerk Office 07/06/1974 01/07/1997 8888989022
7 Mr. Sanap M. B. Lib. Clerk Library 07/06/1970 15/06/1992 9823220151
8 Mr. Khandare A. R. Lab. Assi. Laboratory 01/07/1967 01/07/1996 9860871729
9 Mr. Sonwane P. D. Lib. Atte. Library 20/06/1974 15/06/1992 8698536992
10 Mr. Kadam A. S. Lib. Atte. Library 12/05/1973 01/07/1997 9021853599
11 Mr. Hatagale B. T. Lib. Atte. Physics 15/06/1969 01/04/1988 9673003615
12 Mr. Chavan S. S. Lib. Atte. Chemistry 15/06/1970 01/04/1988 9923644817
13 Smt. Mutkule S.K Lib. Atte. Botany 01/04/1967 15/06/1991 9423023184
14 Mr. Pawar D. N. Lab. Atte. Zoology 09/12/1976 01/06/1994 9403632972
15 Mr.Thite S. K. Lab. Atte. Botany 15/06/1967 15/06/1995 9637074121
16 Mr. Raut S. B. Lab. Atte. Electronics 16/03/1972 01/07/1996 9561758213
17 Mr. Sonwane N. K. Lab. Atte. Computer 10/11/1963 01/07/1987 9960033922
18 Mr. Nagare K. S. Lab. Atte. Chemistry 02/01/1975 01/01/2004 9421861429
19 Mr. Sayyed W. H. Peon Office 24/11/1970 20/11/1997 9975857054
20 Mr. Ghongade L. C. Peon Office 07/06/1974 07/07/2016 8459176965
21 Mr. Yelne R. W. Jr. Clerk HSCVC 10/06/1973 12/08/1997 9403216355
22 Mr. Garudi D. D. Hamal HSCVC 05/03/1964 06/04/1999 9689016732